Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let’s give Afghans more authority – Russia’s special rep in Afghanistan

Military operations alone will not lead to positive results, and it is important for the international community to help Afghans create a strong and stable state, Russian President’s special representative in Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov told RT.
For Russia it is important to explain to NATO that a stable Afghanistan is in Russia’s interests, but NATO’s Cold War mentality prevents it from listening to good advice on its operations in the region.
Zamir Kabulov believes Russia failed to persuade Western partners that a mere military operation in Afghanistan not supported by actions in other spheres will not bring any tangible results.
It is very important for the international community, including Russia, to participate in a meaningful process of helping Afghans to build a strong and stable country, which should be based, however, on a plan drafted by the Afghans themselves.

Fighting moves to Libya’s center, NATO accused of taking sides

Armed conflict between Gaddafi’s troops and Libyan rebels has moved away from the sea coast into the central part of the country. Meanwhile, Russia has said NATO’s actions contradict the UN resolution and called them interference in a civil war.
The opposition’s offensive was stopped 140 kilometers away from the city of Sirt, AFP reported. Thus, the claims of the Libyan rebels that they had captured the city have been disproved.
On Monday, state television reported coalition planes bombed the city of Sabha in central Libya at dawn, killing several civilians.
Meanwhile, Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered NATO’s approval of a “no-fly plus” plan and their consequent actions interference in a civil war in Libya.
NATO took the lead in the military operation in Libya,approving a so-called “no-fly plus” plan that will make the alliance responsible for protecting civilians as well as enforcing a no-fly zone and an arms embargo on Sunday.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov mentioned reports about the coalition’s air strikes on Gaddafi’s troops and reports about NATO’s support of the rebels’ offensive.

Obama Libya Speech Strongly Defends Intervention (FULL TEXT)

The United States will not be able to dictate the pace and scope of this change. Only the people of the region can do that. But we can make a difference. I believe that this movement of change cannot be turned back, and that we must stand alongside those who believe in the same core principles that have guided us through many storms: our opposition to violence directed against one’s own citizens; our support for a set of universal rights, including the freedom for people to express themselves and choose their leaders; our support for governments that are ultimately responsive to the aspirations of the people.
Good evening. Tonight, I’d like to update the American people on the international effort that we have led in Libya – what we have done, what we plan to do, and why this matters to us.
I want to begin by paying tribute to our men and women in uniform who, once again, have acted with courage, professionalism and patriotism. They have moved with incredible speed and strength. Because of them and our dedicated diplomats, a coalition has been forged and countless lives have been saved. Meanwhile, as we speak, our troops are supporting our ally Japan, leaving Iraq to its people, stopping the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan, and going after al Qaeda around the globe. As Commander-in-Chief, I am grateful to our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and their families, as are all Americans.
For generations, the United States of America has played a unique role as an anchor of global security and advocate for human freedom. Mindful of the risks and costs of military action, we are naturally reluctant to use force to solve the world’s many challenges. But when our interests and values are at stake, we have a responsibility to act. That is what happened in Libya over the course of these last six weeks.

ऐतिहासिक नक्साका आधारमा कालापानी सीमा विवादको विश्लेषण

– डा. सुरेन्द्र के.सी
विषय प्रवेश: समकालीन इतिहासमा कालापानी विवादले नेपाली वर्तमानलाई निकै प्रभावित पार्यो । जसले गर्दा त्यसको वास्तविकता के हो भन्ने विषयको विश्लेषण गर्नुपर्ने दायित्व अहम् रूपमा देखियो। भनिरहनु परोइन, मुलुकको विविध ऐतिहासिक पक्ष खासगरी मुलुकको चौहद्धि, सन्धि सर्पण र ऐतिहासिक घटना कहाँ कसरी घटित भएका हुन् र कुन घटना र निर्णयको कहाँ कस्तो सरोकार रहेको छ भन्ने विषयको विश्लेषण यस क्रममा महत्वपूर्ण रहेको हुन्छ। सही दृष्टिकोण र विश्लेषणको अभावले गर्दा कालापानी विवाद नेपाल भारत सम्बन्धमा अहम् प्रश्नको रूपमा रह्यो एवं आन्तरिक राजनीतिलाई पनि यसले अत्याधिक प्रभावित पार्योन। यसले दुई देशबीचको सम्बन्धलाई नै नकारात्मक प्रभाव पार्ला भन्ने भय उत्पन्न भएको छ। खासगरी कालापानी बाहेक नेपाल–भारत १७५० किलोमिटर लामो खुल्ला सीमानामा मेची नदी, रसियावाल खुर्दलोटन बाँध र लक्ष्मणपुर बाँध जस्ता एकपछि अर्को सीमा र सीमाक्षेत्रमा भारत सरकारद्वारा एकतर्फी रूपमा भए गरेका अतिक्रमण र क्रियाकलाप एवं नेपालको सार्वभौमिकता, पानी सम्बन्धी तल्लो तटिय पूर्वाधिकार प्राप्त मुलुकले गर्नुपर्ने आचरण र सीमा सम्बन्धी अन्य अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मान्यता र परम्पारको बारम्बार उपेक्षा हुने गरेको सन्दर्भमा पनि कालापानी विवादको ऐतिहासिकता र विवादका मूलभूत विषयमा चर्चा गर्नु आवश्यक छ।
लेखको सीमा तथा विषयगत बुंदाहरू: महाकाली अञ्चलको दार्चुला जिल्ला व्यास गाउँ विकास समिति–१ मा पर्ने कालापानीलाई टिंकर भञ्ज्याङ पनि भनिन्छ जुन उक्त गाविसको पश्चिमोत्तर क्षेत्रमा १९६ वर्गकिलोमिटर (१६,९०० हेक्टर) भूभागमा फैलिएको छ। यसको ऐतिहासिकता सुगौली सन्धिको समयसम्म जोडिन पुग्छ। ई. १९६२ देखि यस क्षेत्रमा भारतले सीमा रक्षक दल राख्न शुरू गर्यो । तर यसको जानकारी ई. १९९० मा प्रजातन्त्रको पुनर्स्थापना पश्चात् मात्र प्रकाशमा आउन थाल्यो। प्रस्तुत लेखमा मूलभूत रूपमा निम्न लिखित बुंदाको दायराभित्र हुने नेपाल–भारत कालापानी विवादबारे विवेचना गरिएको छ। 

Al-Qaeda may strike in coalition countries over Libya

The UK’s Secret Service MI5 has growing concerns that Libyan expats are plotting terrorist attacks in Britain, according to reports. It would be seen as revenge for bombing raids by European countries on Colonel Gaddafi’s regime.
EU countries have taken a leading role in enforcing the UN resolution, but their efforts in Libya now threaten to bring the conflict right to their own backdoors.
Analysts claim Colonel Gaddafi now has little other weapons left in his armory than overseas terror.
He has faced repeated accusations that he ordered the Lockerbie bombing that killed 270, mostly Westerners. Experts say some countries are particularly in the firing line.
“The three leading countries of the offensive are France, the UK and the United States, of course. The only option he has, really, is to use terror,” says Claude Moniquet of the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Centre in Brussels. “It’s a clear, actual and present danger – today, in the coming days, maybe in the coming weeks.”

Chernobyl to stay deserted forever

After a quarter of a century, radioactive particles still cover the Chernobyl exclusion zone making the land, abandoned after the catastrophe, uninhabitable.
Exactly 25 years ago the now ghost town Pripyat in Ukraine was a bustling scene. It was a role model of a perfect town in the former USSR and it was also one of its biggest secrets. Towns like Pripyat were called “atomograd” or nuclear city and they were restricted, with only personnel and their families, security and military servicemen living there.

साहित्य महासंघको तेस्रो बैठक सम्पन्न, केन्द्रिय सचिवालय निर्माण

[कपिलबस्तु दिवस अभियानले बुद्ध र बुद्ध जन्मस्थलबारे भ्रम सिर्जना गर्ने सामग्री सहितका पुस्तक, लेख एबं वेब साइटहरुको लिस्ट तयार गर्ने योजना बनाएको सन्दर्भमा बिस्व नेपाली साहित्य महासंघले नेपाल र नेपालीको सम्बन्धमा विभिन्न विदेशी लेखकहरुले लेखेका पुस्तक तथा लेखहरुमा रहेका गल्तिहरुलाई औल्याएर सहयोगि सुझाव दिनको लागि निर्माण गरेको 'नेपाल सम्बन्धि सूचना सुधार कार्यदल'को कार्य चुनौतिपूर्ण भए तापनि अत्यन्तै स्वागतयोग्य छ ।]

ब्रुनाई २८ मार्च २०११ विश्व नेपाली साहित्य महासंघ केन्द्रिय समितिको तेस्रो इ-बैठक विभिन्न महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय गर्दै सम्पन्न भयो ।
बरिष्ठ साहित्यकार स्व. डायमण्ड शमशेर राणाको चिर आत्माले शान्ति पाओस भन्ने कामना गर्दै एक मिनेट मौनधारणबाट शुरु भएको बैठकले अघिल्लो बैठकको निर्णयहरुको समिक्षा गर्दै अध्यक्ष डा. मधु माधुर्य (रसिया), उपाध्यक्ष तिलक मल्ल (जापान) र महासचिव विश्वासदीप तिगेला (ब्रुनाई) रहेको ३ सदसिय महासंङ्घ केन्द्रिय सचिवालयको निर्माण भएको घोषणा गर्यो, बाँकी २ जना भविश्यमा थप गर्ने निर्णय भयो ।

नेपाल र नेपालीको सम्बन्धमा विभिन्न विदेशी लेखकहरुले लेखेका पुस्तक तथा लेखहरुमा रहेका गल्तिहरुलाई औल्याएर सहयोगि सुझाव दिनको लागि महासंघले निर्माण गरेको 'नेपाल सम्बन्धि सूचना सुधार कार्यदल'मा बरिष्ठ साहित्यकार प्रा.डा. गोविन्दराज भट्टराई (किर्तिपुर) र कपिलबस्तु दिवस अभियान अभियन्ता रामकुमार श्रेष्ठ (वेलायत)लाई सर्वसम्मत आग्रह सहित चयन गर्यो र अघिल्लो बैठकबाट चयन हुनुभएका साहित्यकार मुरारीराज शर्मा सहित अब ३ सदस्यित कार्यदल बन्न पुगेको छ, साथै भविश्यमा स्पेनिस, फेन्च, चाइनिज लगायत अन्य भाषाविदहरुलाई पनि समेटिने निर्णय गर्यो ।

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Overcoming New Decade Challenges

Every single day our world spends more than $4 billion on war. However everyday, 20,000 children die of hunger, poverty and a lack of treatment and medicines and millions of people are suffering a lack of their basic needs like food, clean water, clothes and shelter. If only a certain percentage of these funds were used for the benefit of the people worldwide, struggling to have an education, minimum health care, food and housing a lot could be done.

Nuclear power was developed in the name of establishing peace and now this is threatening the whole human race. Current existing amounts of nuclear power are enough to destroy not a single earth but dozens of equivalent earths. What will happen if the nuclear power will get into terrorists’ hand? This is today’s one of the biggest concerns for world leaders.

By  Ram Kumar Shrestha, Global Coordinator, Kapilvastu Day Movement
With 2010 heralding the dawn of a new decade; this decade offers many challenges and opportunities. Global warming,political instability, recession, terrorism, disaster were the major problems of the decade and the ultimate source of these problems is not external - it is us and only us, our current lifestyles, our historical choices, our way of thinking and doing with full of selfishness and our future ambitions. We ourselves, therefore, must be the solution. Now the world is already in very crucial moment and this provides opportunity as well to the world leaders, scientists and humanitarian activists to show their capability and broadness and prove themselves as historic persons. One of the most important questions we are facing today due to the reality we are facing in the name of development is: “Do we really love our generations or not?” This is already clear that just the continuation of existing development trend without drastic changes could destroy the world very soon and we, hence, must have new perspectives to bring everything in the right track.

गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघद्धारा बौद्धमा गरिने पूजाको सन्दर्भमा सुझाब

जापानमा गएको महाभूकम्प तथा सुनामीका कारण अत्यन्त ठूलो जन धनको क्षति हुन गएको सन्दर्भमा गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघले समबेदना एवं शान्तीको कामना गर्दै जापान सरकार तथा जापानी जनता प्रति शोक एवं सम्वेदना संदेश पठाउने उद्धेश्यले तथा दिवगंत आत्माहरुको चीर शान्ति एवं अंगभंग भएकाहरुको शीघ्र स्वास्थ्य लाभ एवं दुई देशका जनता र सरकार वीचको सम्बन्धलाई अझ सुदृढ र गाढा बनाउन जापानका महामहिम राजदूत तात्सुओ मिजुनोको समुपस्थितिमा जापान सरकार एवं जापानी जनताका नाममा गरिन लागेको पूजा कार्यक्रमम आयोजना गर्दै छ बौद्धमा । यसै सन्दर्भमा कपिलबस्तु दिवस अभियान जापान संयोजक ओम गुरुङले उक्त पूजा बौद्धको सट्टा बुद्धको जन्मस्थान लुम्बिनी अथबा त्यसबेलाको राजाधानी कपिलबस्तुमा आयोजना गर्न सकिएको खण्डमा अझ राम्रो हुने सुझाब सहित गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघका अध्यक्ष देबमान हिराचनलाई अनुरोध गर्दै पत्र लेख्नु भए थियो । गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघका तर्फबाट निमन्त्रणा सहित पठाइएको पत्र र सुझाबको लागि पठाइएको पत्र दुबै जानकारीको लागि यहाँ राखिएको छ ।

Wikileaks: Prakash Karat on India cables, accessed by ‘The Hindu’ through WikiLeaks

The general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), Prakash Karat, highlights the significance of the India
Communist Party of India (Marxist) general secretary Prakash Karat. File photo
Cables, accessed by ‘The Hindu’ through WikiLeaks. The publication of the cables ‘lays bare the nature of the relationship between India and the USA during the tenure of the UPA and NDA governments’ he says.
Source: News from the CPI(M),
WikiLeaks Cables
A Government Compromised
Prakash Karat
The publication of the confidential US diplomatic cables emanating from India is having a significant fall out. At one stroke, it has laid bare the nature of the relationship between India and the USA during the tenure of the UPA government and earlier the NDA government. The publication and analysis of the US embassy cables accessed by The Hindu through WikiLeaks is ongoing, but what has been made available so far reveals a disturbing picture. The US has acquired an influential position in various spheres – strategic affairs, foreign policy and economic policies. The US has access to the bureaucracy, military, security and intelligence systems and has successfully penetrated them at various levels. The cables cover a period mainly from 2005 to 2009, the very period when the UPA government went ahead to forge the strategic alliance with the US.
Foreign Policy: Turn Around
It is well known that the Manmohan Singh government went back on its commitment in the common minimum programme to pursue an independent foreign policy. The CPI (M) and the Left parties had to oppose the U turn in foreign policy from the outset. How this reversal was effected has been laid out through a number of cables setting out the efforts of the US embassy and high level functionaries of the Bush administration. The volte face by the Manmohan Singh government in voting against Iran in the IAEA in September 2005 was one such crucial event. The cables illustrate how the US government exercised maximum pressure to achieve this turn around. The Indian government was told that unless India takes a firm stand against Iran, the US Congress would not pass the legislation to approve the nuclear deal. Prior to the Bush-Manmohan Singh meeting on September 13 at New York during the UN General Assembly session, intense pressure was brought upon the UPA government. It is after this meeting between Manmohan Singh and Bush that instructions were sent to the Indian ambassador in Vienna to go along with the United States in the IAEA. After the vote the US ambassador in a cable termed it as “the most important signal so far of the UPA’s commitment to building a stronger US-India relationship”.

Gurkha who repelled Taliban attack gets bravery medal

A Gurkha who single-handedly fought off an attack by at least a dozen Taliban insurgents has been awarded Britain’s second highest medal for bravery.
Acting Sgt Pun's father and grandfather were both Gurkhas too
Acting Sergeant Dipprasad Pun used up all of his ammunition and resorted to using his machine gun tripod to repel the attack in Afghanistan in September.
The Gurkha, 31, of Ashford, Kent, said he was a “lucky guy” and very proud to get the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross.
A total of 136 UK servicemen and women are being honoured, four posthumously.
On the roof
Acting Sgt Pun was on sentry duty at a checkpoint near Babaji, in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, on 17 September last year when he spotted insurgents trying to plant a bomb beside the front gate.
Moments later, militants opened fire on the compound from all sides.
For more than a quarter of an hour, alone on the roof, Acting Sgt Pun fought off an onslaught from rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47s.
In total, he fired more than 400 rounds, launched 17 grenades and detonated a mine.

भारतीय प्रहरीले नेपाल पसेर दुईजना समाते

By अमन कोइराला
सर्लाही, चैत्र १३ – भारतीय प्रहरीले आइतबार बिहान नेपाल प्रबेश गरि सर्लाहीको सिमाबर्ती बलरा गाविसका दुई ब्यक्तिलाई पक्राउ गरेको छ । अन्य केहीलाई कुटपिट समेत गरेको स्थानीयले बताएका छन् ।
बलरा गाबिस-१ लक्ष्मीपुरका अबधेस मिश्र र राजीव मिश्रलाई बिहान पौने चारबजे ५०/६० को संख्यामा आएका भारतीय प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेका हुन् । बिहान अध्यारैमा ठूलो संख्यामा आएका भारतीय प्रहरीले गाउँ घेरा हाली ४ वटा घरमा छापामारी गरेका थिए । पक्राउ पर्ने अबधेस र राजीव बाबु छोरा हुन् । अन्य तीनजनालाई पक्राउ गरि सिमामा लगेर कुटपिट गरि छाडिदिएको स्थानीयले बताए ।
मिश्रको घरबाट लाइसेन्स प्राप्त एकथान हतियार समेत भारतीय प्रहरीले लगेका छन् । जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयका प्रहरी उपरीक्षक पूर्णचन्द्र जोशीले भारतीय प्रहरीले नेपालमा आएर नेपालीलाई गिरफ्तार गरेको सुचना पाएपछि बास्तबिकता बुझ्न प्रहरी परिचालन गरिएको जानकारी दिए । ‘नेपाल प्रबेश गरेर कुनैपनि नेपालीलाई पक्राउ गर्न पाईंदैन,’ जोशीले भने, ‘हामी बुझ्दै छौं । यो गलत कृयाकलाप हो ।’
भारतीय प्रहरी सीमा सम्म जिपमा आएर करिब ५ सय मिटर उत्तरमा रहेको बलराको लक्ष्मीपुर गाउँ सम्म पैदल आएका थिए । गाउँलाई चारैतिरबाट घेराबन्दी गरि उनीहरुले घर घर पसेर तलासी लिएका थिए । करिब ४५ मिनेट गाउँमा बिताएर साँढे चारबजे उनीहरु फर्किएको स्थानीय बासिन्दाले जानकारी दिए । राती अचानक ठूलो संख्यामा भारतीय प्रहरी प्रबेश गरेर नेपालीलाई पक्राउ गरेपछि गाउँले त्रसित भएका छन् ।

नेपालको द्वन्द्वोत्तर पुनर्संरचना: चुनौती र सम्भावना

By डा. बाबुराम भट्टराई
द्वन्द्वोत्तर पुनर्संरचनाका प्रश्नमा प्रवेश गर्नुभन्दा पहिले नेपालका संघर्षरत राजनीतिक शक्तिबीचको द्वन्द्व र शान्ति सम्झौताको ऐतिहासिक सन्दर्भबारे संक्षिप्त चर्चा गर्नु उपयोगी र बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण हुनेछ ।
नेपाल दुई ठूला देशहरू चीन र भारतको बीचमा चेपिएको भूपरिवेष्ठित मुलुक हो । यो आकारका दृष्टिले भारतभन्दा २२ गुणा र चीनभन्दा ७५ गुणा सानो छ । यो करिब भारतवेष्ठित छ किनभने यो पूर्व, दक्षिण र पश्चिम तीनतिरबाट भारतद्वारा खुला सिमानाले घेरिएको छ र उत्तरतिर चीनसित उच्च हिमालयले जोडिएको छ । अतः सामाजिक-आर्थिक र राजनीतिक दुवै अर्थमा नेपालको विकास परिस्थिति पूर्वी एसिया होइन कि दक्षिण एसियाको विकास प्रक्रियाबाट बढी प्रभावित हुन्छ । वर्षौंदेखि नेपालको भारतसित प्रभुत्व-निर्भरताको सम्बन्ध विकास हुँदै आएको छ । नेपालको वैदेशिक व्यापार दुई तिहाइ अंश दक्षिणी छिमेकीसित र करिब १० प्रतिशत मात्रै उत्तरी छिमेकीसित छ । दक्षिण र पूर्वी एसियाबीच रणनीतिक भूराजनीतिक अवस्थितिमा रहेकाले खास गरी शीतयुद्धको बेलादेखि नै नेपाल शक्तिराष्ट्रको छिनाझप्टीको मैदान बन्दै आएको छ । परिणामस्वरूप यो संवेदनशील क्षेत्रमा तथाकथित स्थिरता कायम गर्ने नाउँमा नेपालमा तानाशाही र केन्द्रीकृत राज्य निर्माणको प्रक्रियालाई सघाउनमै प्रतिद्वन्द्वी शक्तिराष्ट्रहरू सामरिक-राजनीतिक रूपमा प्रारम्भदेखि नै प्रेरित रहँदै आए ।
आन्तरिक रूपमा नेपाल व्यापक भौगोलिक, जातीय, भाषिक, सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक र सामाजिक-आर्थिक विविधता भएको देश हो । दुई सय किलोमिटरको चौडाइभित्र समुद्र तहबाट १ सय मिटरदेखि ८ हजार ८ सय मिटरसम्मको उचाइमा सिँढीजस्तै गरेर उठेको भौगोलिक बनावट हुनु यो विविधताको पहिलो आधार हो । दोस्रो, इतिहासका विभिन्न कालखण्डमा आफ्नै भाषा, संस्कृति, धर्म र सामाजिक उत्पादन प्रणालीका साथमा खासगरी उत्तर र पूर्वबाट तिब्बती, बर्मेली र मंगोलियनहरू, पश्चिम र दक्षिणबाट हिन्द-आर्यन र दक्षिणबाट अस्ट्रो-द्रविडहरूको आगमन भयो जसबाट नेपाल बिछट्ट सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक विविधताको समागम स्थल बन्न पुग्यो । त्यसैगरी, एकदमै छरिएको र विखण्डित भौतिक स्थितिको परिणामस्वरूप ग्रामीण कृषि क्षेत्र बाहुल्य र बाह्य दुनियाँसितको सम्पर्कमा रहेका निश्चित सहरिया केन्द्रमा विशृंखलित आधुनिक औद्योगिक, वित्तीय र सेवा क्षेत्र सम्मिलित एकदमै पिछडिएको प्राक्पुँजीवादी आर्थिक प्रणाली पैदा भयो ।

‘बहादुर नेपाली’लाई अस्ट्रेलियाली पदक

ऋषि आचार्य, सिड्नी, चैत १३- हतियारधारी लुटेरा समातेर प्रहरीलाई बुझाउने एक नेपाली विद्यार्थी अस्टे्रलिया सरकारको ‘बहादुरी’ पदकबाट सम्मानित हुँदैछन्। काठमाडौं चाबहिलका सरोज खतिवडालाई अस्टे्रलिया सरकारले ‘द अस्ट्रेलियन ब्रेभरी डेकोरेसन्स’ दिने घोषणा गरेको हो। गभर्नरल जनरल (बेलायतकी महारानीका प्रतिनिधि) को कार्यालय, क्यानवेराले बहादुरी प्रदर्शन गरेबापत उक्त पदक प्रदान गर्न लागेको बेहोरासहित आफूलाई पत्र दिएको खतिवडाले नागरिकलाई बताए।
अध्ययन सिलसिलामा अस्टे्रलिया रहेका खतिवडाले सन् २००८ मा अन्नाडाले आइजिए (अस्ट्रेलियन स्वामित्वमा सञ्चालित) नामक सुपरमार्केटमा लुटपाट गर्न खोज्ने हतियारधारी लुटेराबाट हतियार खोसेर उसलाई प्रहरीलाई बुझाइदिएका थिए।
प्रहरीले ज्यान जोखिममा राखेर सुपरमार्केटका ग्राहक तथा कर्मचारी सुरक्षा गरेको भन्दै पदकका लागि सिफारिस गरेको थियो। मुखमा स्कार्फ बाँधेको र सन ग्लास लगाएको लुटेरालाई उनले नियन्त्रणमा लिन उनले ज्यानको जोखिम मोलेका थिए।
विदेशी नागरिकलाई पदक प्रदान गर्न सम्बन्धित देशको सरकारबाट अनुमति लिनुपर्ने प्रावधानअनुसार अस्ट्रेलिया सरकारले नेपाल सरकारबाट अनुमति लिइसकेको र गभर्नर कार्यालयले छिट्टै विशेष कार्यक्रमबीच पदक प्रदान गर्ने जानकारी गराएको खतिवडाले जनाए। 

History of Indian Conspirator Intervention in Nepal (1950-2011)

By Dirgha Raj Prasai
Nepal is a landlocked nation. It borders China in the north and India in the south. Defending its sovereign identity from these two giant nations is Nepal’s nationalistic strategy.
The unfortunate fact is that a majority of our political leaders are Indian agents. It is worthless to expect from these leaders to save our nationality and independence. Unless the traitors and corrupt leaders dominating the big parties (Congress, UML, and Maoists) are chased away, democracy and nationalism will not be secured.
There is no alternative to parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy in Nepal. But it does not mean that we follow Indian orders and perish Nepal’s identity. The definition of Nepal’s nationality is to maintain balanced bilateral diplomatic ties with both countries, China and India, based on democracy and by protecting its pride.
Cordial people to people level relations between Nepal and India has existed since ancient times. We have to keep friendly relations with India due to our similar cultural and religious traditions. But sadly Indian congress, ever since coming to power has been striving to destabilize Nepal. India, through its intelligence agency ‘RAW’, has been found continuously involved in destabilizing our national identities – royal institution, Hindu Kingdom and national language, which were developed along with the ideology of national unity, security and national identity. RAW through its agents in the Nepali Congress, UML and Maoist parties is now pressing for autonomous federal states on communal basis.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Youngest Queen Rania – World’s Leading Female Activist

Rania Al Abdullah is Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan The world’s youngest queen, Her Majesty has become a leading international voice for cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, and a global advocate for universal access to education and children’s health care. She is also actively engaged in the empowerment of women, youth and underprivileged communities across Jordan and around the world. With her husband, King Abdullah, she is helping to lead Jordan’s long-standing efforts to promote peace in the Middle East. Queen Rania has played a significant role in reaching out to the global community to foster values of tolerance and acceptance, and increase cross-cultural dialogue.
Regionally and internationally, Queen Rania has campaigned for a greater understanding between cultures in high profile forums such as the Jeddah Economic Forum, the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and the Skoll Foundation in the UK.

“आपोकालिप्सिस” : एउटा “आपोकालिप्सिस” ढाल्नुछ

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-  मधु माधुर्य ( हाल : रसिया)
एक्लो सगरमाथा -
ठिंग उभिनुको कुनै अर्थ छैन अब
पग्लेर थुप्रै हिमालहरु
वागमती ‘टुकुचा’ बगिरहेछ …

विसर्जनको प्रवाहसंगै
इतिहासको जंडू नियति
दक्षिण बगिरहेछ
‘चुनामी’ नेताहरुको
मठ-मन्दिर र गुम्बाहरु
थाप्दै दक्षिणको “आशिर्वाद”
विकराल आपोकालिप्सिस :
उही सिक्किमको भीरबाट
देश खस्ने खतराको
अप्रिय  संकेत -
२-४ कुपुत्रहरुको उन्मादपूर्ण अट्टहास
वा आफ्नै आमा विरुद्धको ‘मुर्दाबाद’
भस्मासुरको कालो हात बनेर
भविष्यको पुर्पुरोतिर
बेरोकटोक / खुलमखुल्ला
डुलिरहेछ  …

40 Lipsticked Virgins: Gadhafi’s Best Bet for Survival

By Lauren Frayer

Moammar Gadhafi reviews an honor guard at the presidential office in Kiev in November 2008 during a state visit to Ukraine.
With Moammar Gadhafi in hiding as coalition aircraft bomb his country, he’s counting on protection from a unique bodyguard corps he’s been training for decades — an all-female, gun-toting posse of virgins.
About 40 lipsticked, bejeweled bodyguards surround the Libyan dictator at all times. They wear designer sunglasses and high heels with their military camouflage. But they’re purported to be trained killers — graduates of an elite military academy in Tripoli that’s solely for women.
Gadhafi established the Tripoli Women’s Military Academy in 1979 as a symbol of women’s emancipation. “I promised my mother to improve the situation of women in Libya,” he reportedly said at the time. His mother, a Bedouin tribeswoman born when Libya was an Italian colony, was illiterate.
The few foreign visitors who’ve been granted a glimpse inside the academy describe a spartan cement-block complex where 100 handpicked women drill in elite killing techniques, day and night, for three years. They’re awoken by bugle call at 4:30 a.m. and jog for one and a half hours, before branching off into classes. Some train to fly MiG fighter jets, while others learn martial arts or how to fire rocket-propelled grenades.

No unity in coalition as pro-Gaddafi forces shell rebel-held towns undisrupted

Fresh explosions and gunfire have been heard in the Libyan capital Tripoli, with reports saying coalition forces are targeting major military facilities across the country.
A loud explosion was heard in Tripoli early Thursday morning. Smoke was seen coming from where a military base is situated, Reuters news agency reports. This follows a series of explosions which hit the Libyan capital late on Wednesday.
Libyan officials have accused the coalition forces of killing scores of civilians, claims that the US military denies. The Libyan authorities invited journalists to a hospital in Tripoli to show them 18 bodies of military personnel and civilians, allegedly killed in the coalition attacks overnight.
The US and the allies have recently stepped up their campaign, destroying Libyan tanks and artillery. The USA announced that a no-fly zone has been successfully established over the territory of coastal Libya.
However, the efforts of the allied forces have so far proved unable to stop Muammar Gaddafi forces from shelling rebel-held towns. Pro-Gaddafi forces have pressed ahead with assaults on the towns of Misurata, Ajdabiya and Zintan, Al Jazeera reports. In Misurata snipers have reportedly killed 16 people. There are reports that opposition forces in the town are running low on food and medicine.

Quantum probe beats Heisenberg limit

A group of physicists in Spain has shown how to make a quantum measurement that overcomes a limit related to Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. The researchers confirmed a theoretical prediction of how to beat the Heisenberg limit by using interacting photons to measure atomic spin, and they say that their approach could lead to more sensitive searches for the ripples in space–time known as gravitational waves and perhaps also to improved brain imaging.

Test tube sperm grown in lab could cure male infertility

Sperm has been grown in a test tube for the first time in a “small but important step” towards curing male infertility, a study claims.
By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent
Researchers removed stem cells and cultured sperm in the laboratory in a breakthrough that could lead to new
This is human sperm (spermatozoa), the male sex cells Photo: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / BARCROFT MEDIA
treatments and drugs for men currently unable to have children.
The development raises hopes that young boys undergoing chemotherapy for testicular cancer will still be able to father their own children when they grow up.
The sperm was produced in a test-tube from the cells taken from a newborn mouse testicles and then injected into eggs to produce to twelve healthy babies, four male and eight female, which were all fertile and able to reproduce themselves in adulthood.
Dr Takehiko Ogawa, an urologist at Yokohama City University in Japan, said the production of sperm in the testes is one of the most complex processes in the body.
It has never been reproduced in a test tube in mammals before.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

China: ‘Southern Tibet’ (Arunachal) ‘Invaded’ By India – Analysis

By D.S. Rajan / South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG) / March 22, 2011
According to a blog article of an individual analyst in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) named Zao An, India’s dispatch of additional troops to ‘Southern Tibet’ (India’s Arunachal) may look ‘exploratory’ now, but it may signify New Delhi’s plan to use ‘Southern Tibet’ as a springboard to jump into the PRC’s hinterland. The article written under the ‘forum for discussions’ column of the Party-controlled Global Times (Chinese language version, 4 March 2011), has identified three options for China in dealing with what it called “ India’s surge into Southern Tibet” – (i) Maintain ‘low- intensity war status quo’ with India, (ii) Actually launch a ‘low intensity war against India’, which can be upgraded into a ‘middle intensity war’ and (iii) prepare for a protracted confrontation with India which may mean a division of India. Explaining the last mentioned, the Blog has revealed that it may involve China’s cutting of India from its North Eastern parts along the Siliguri line, leading to creation of a new ‘Eastern Hindustan State’ and its seeking support for this purpose from Myanmar, Bangladesh etc. ‘India would in this way stand removed from regional affairs’, it has said. The Blog has also found motives in the Dalai Lama’s ‘Greater Tibet’ demand; it has expressed suspicion that the exiled leader may aspire to integrate ‘Greater Tibet’ with India.

माओवादी, एमाले र फोरमबीच सहमति (सहमतिपत्र सहित)

काठमाडौ, चैत्र ९ - सत्तारुढ दल एमाले र माओवादी तथा मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमका शीर्ष नेताबीच सरकारमा सहभागी हुनेलगायत मूलभूत कुराहरुमा बुधबार बिहान सहमति जुटेको छ ।
प्रधानमन्त्री निवास बालुवाटारमा भएको यस सहमतिले फोरमलाई सरकारमा सहभागी हुने ढोका खोलेको छ ।

Thursday, March 17, 2011

‘कुनै पनि अवस्थामा सेना समायोजन नगर्न’ भारतको दबाब

काठमाडौँ, चैत १ (नागरिक)- भारतले कुनै पनि अवस्थामा माओवादी लडाकुलाई नेपाली सेनामा समायोजन नगर्न दबाब दिएको खुलासा विकिलिक्सको एउटा गोप्य दस्तावेजले गरेको छ।
तत्कालीन अमेरिकी राजदूत जेम्स एफ मोरियार्टीले सन् २००७ को जुन १८ तारिखमा वासिङटनमा पठाएको ‘गोप्य’ दर्जा दिइएको सो केबलमा तत्कालीन भारतीय राजदूत शिवशंकर मुखर्जीबाट प्राप्त जानकारी भन्दै सो विवरण दिइएको हो।
केबलका अनुसार दिल्ली भ्रमणमा गएका नेकपा एमालेका तत्कालीन महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपाल र भारतीय विदेशमन्त्री प्रणव मुखर्जीबीच भएको भेटमा राजदूत मुखर्जी पनि उपस्थित थिए। सो भेटमा विदेशमन्त्री मुखर्जीले “कुनै पनि अवस्थामा” माओवादीलाई नेपाली सेनामा समायोजन नगर्न भनेका थिए।
२०६२/६३ को आन्दोलनपछि गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाको नेतृत्वमा बनेको अन्तरिम सरकारमा माओवादी समेत सहभागी भइसकेको र संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन हुन बाँकी अवस्थाको सो केबलमा भारतले त्यस्तो दबाब दिएको खुलेको हो।
तत्कालीन समयमा माओवादी ज्यादतिहरुलाई दण्ड दिन चुक्ने गृहमन्त्री कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौला नै ‘समस्याको ठूलो अंश रहेको’ विदेशमन्त्री मुखर्जीले राजदूतलाई बताएको केबलमा उल्लेख छ।

A Volunteer Trip To Nepal Turns Into A Lifetime Of Service

When 29-year-old Conor Grennan decided to move home to the United States after eight years in Europe, he opted totake a year-long detour around the world.
He had no higher aspirations than backpacking, but pressure from a friend prompted him to sign up to volunteer in an orphanage in war-torn Nepal.
Grennan thought his time at the children’s home would be an impressive anecdote, something he could use to win over future first dates. Instead, Grennan uncovered a startling secret that would send him on a path to find fulfillment and family — all in the service of others.

Fukushima: Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor Design Caused GE Scientist To Quit In Protest

Damaged Japanese Nuclear Plant Has Five Mark 1 Reactors
Thirty-five years ago, Dale G. Bridenbaugh and two of his colleagues at General Electric resigned from their jobs after
Kyodo News/AP Photo Fukushima No. 1 power plant in northern Japan in this Oct. 2008 file photo. The situation at the...
becoming increasingly convinced that the nuclear reactor design they were reviewing — the Mark 1 — was so flawed it could lead to a devastating accident.
Questions persisted for decades about the ability of the Mark 1 to handle the immense pressures that would result if the reactor lost cooling power, and today that design is being put to the ultimate test in Japan. Five of the six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which has been wracked since Friday’s earthquake with explosions and radiation leaks, are Mark 1s.
“The problems we identified in 1975 were that, in doing the design of the containment, they did not take into account the dynamic loads that could be experienced with a loss of coolant,” Bridenbaugh told ABC News in an interview. “The impact loads the containment would receive by this very rapid release of energy could tear the containment apart and create an uncontrolled release.”
The situation on the ground at the Fukushima Daiichi plant is so fluid, and the details of what is unfolding are so murky, that it may be days or even weeks before anyone knows how the Mark 1 containment system performed in the face of a devastating combination of natural disasters.

नेपाललाई असफल बनाउने यस्तो छ भारतीय प्लान

१ चैत्र, काठमाडौं । माओवादी-एमाले गठवन्धन र संविधानसभाप्रति बेखुस देखिएको छिमेकी मुलुक भारतले कस्तो योजना बनाइरहेको होला ? आफ्नो नेपाल नीति असफल भएको महसुस गरिरहेको भारतले अब कस्तो रणनीति अबलम्बन गर्ला ? अहिले धेरैको मनमा यो प्रश्न खेलिरहेको छ ।
एमाले-माओवादीको सत्ता गठवन्धन भारतसित राम्रो सम्बन्ध बनाउन प्रयास गरिरहेका बेला भारतले भने नेपालमा अस्थिरता उत्पन्न गर्न अहिलेका शक्तिहरुलाई कसरी खेलाउने र आफ्नो प्रभुत्व जमाउने भन्ने विस्तृत कार्ययोजना तयार पारि नेपालभित्रका आफ्ना मित्रहरुमार्फत कार्यन्वयनको तयारी थालिरहेको खुलासा भएको छ ।
हालै भारत भ्रमणमा गएका सूर्यबहादुर थापा, पशुपतिसमशेर राणा तथा मधेसवादी दलका नेतासँग भारतले आफ्नो नयाँ योजना पेश गर्दै सोहीअनुसार अघि बढ्न सुझाएको छ ।
भ्रमणपछि नेताहरुले भारतले बनाएको नयाँ योजना कार्यन्वयनका लागि छलफल गरिरहेको स्रोतले बतायो । ती भेटमा सहभागी स्रोतले अनलाइनखबरलाई दिएको जानकारीअनुसार झलनाथ खनाल नेतृत्वको सरकारलाई असफल बनाउने र नेपालमा अस्थिरता कायम गर्ने रणनीति भारतको छ । त्यसका लागि उसले आफु अनुकुल चल्ने लोकतान्त्रिक गठवन्धन निर्माणका लागि लविङसमेत थालेको छ । ‘माओवादी-एमाले गठवन्धन बन्नुलाई भारतले आफ्नो नेपाल नीति असफल भएको निष्कर्ष निकालेको छ’ उच्च स्रोतले अनलाइनखबरलाई भन्यो-’अब भारतले नेपालप्रति नयाँ रणनीति अबलम्बन गर्दैछ ।’
भारतको संस्थापन पक्षले खनाल नेतृत्वको सरकारलाई असहयोग गर्ने र पूर्णरुपमा असफल पर्ने रणनीति अख्तियार गरेको ती स्रोतहरुको दावी छ । भारतीय संस्थापन पक्षका बिश्वासपात्र मानिएका सूर्यबहादुर थापाले लोकतान्त्रिक मोर्चा बनाउन अघि सारेको प्रस्ताव भारतीय प्रस्ताव भएको उनीहरुको दावी छ । मोर्चा निर्माणपछि नेपाली दलहरुबीच ध्रुवीकरण उत्कर्षमा पुग्ने र त्यसले संविधान जारी हुन नसक्नेमा भारत ढुक्कप्रायः छ ।
संविधान सभाको म्याद एक दुई महिना थपेरै भएपनि संविधान जारी गर्ने तयारीमा लागेको खनाल-प्रचण्ड गठवन्धनको तयारीलाई निस्तेज पार्न कुनैपनि हालतमा म्याद थप्न नदिने रणनीतिमा भारत लागेको छ । जसका लागि फोरम लोकतान्त्रिक, तमलोपा, सद्भावना पार्टी लगायतका मधेसवादी दल उपयोगी हुने भारतको बिश्वास छ । ‘तोकिएको समयमा संविधान नबनेको अवस्थामा संविधानसभाको म्याद थप्न खोजिए मधेसवादी दलहरु सामुहिक राजीनामा दिएर संविधानसभाबाट बाहिरिनेछन् ।’- स्रोतले भन्यो ।