Thursday, December 30, 2010

कहाँ गयो हाम्रो राष्ट्रियता ?

विश्वमा सम्भवतः नेपालमात्रै यस्तो मुलुक देखिएको छ, जहाँका मान्छे आफ्नो देशको माटो अरूलाई सुम्पेर आफ्नो निजी स्वार्थपूर्ति गर्न हिचकिचाउँदैनन्

नेपालको पूर्व, पश्चिम तथा दक्षिणतर्फको सीमा सुरक्षित भएन । नेपाल र भारतबीच औपचारिक र आधिकारिक रूपमा सीमा छुट्टयाई दुवै पक्षको सहमतिमा गाडिएका सीमास्तम्भहरूमध्ये सयौँ स्तम्भहरू बेपत्ता भएका छन्, हिजोसम्मको नेपालको भूभागमा आज विदेशीले घर, टहरा बनाएका छन्, हिजोसम्म नेपालभित्रको बस्ती आज भारततिर परेको छ, सीमास्तम्भहरू ग्ााडिएकै अवस्थामा भारतले केही समयअघिदेखि भोगचलन गर्दै आएको जंगल र भूमिमा भेटिएका छन्, भारतीय नागरिकहरू हुलका हुल भएर नेपालभित्र सीमा सारिरहेका छन्, र तिनलाई भारतीय सुरक्षाकर्मीहरूले सुरक्षा दिइरहेका छन् । अस्ति भर्खरै प्यारातालसमेत नेपालकै भएको तथ्य उजागर भएको छ । किनभने प्यारातालभन्दा दक्षिणतर्फ गाडिएकै अवस्थामा सीमास्तम्भहरू भेटिएका छन् ।

वरिष्ठ सीमाविशेषज्ञ बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठले नेपालको सीमाको दयनीय अवस्थाबारे एक तथ्यपूर्ण पुस्तकै लेखेका छन् । तर, नेपालको सीमाको अतिक्रमणबारे नेपालको सरकार, सेना, राजनीतिक दलहरू र तिनका भ्रातृ संगठन, नागरिक समाज यसरी संवेदनाविहीन छन् कि मानौँ हाम्रो सीमा मिचिनु चर्चा र चासोयोग्य विषय नै होइन ।

सरकारको पहिलो कर्तव्य आफ्नो मुलुकको सीमा सुरक्षा गर्नु हो । मानव समाजको विकासक्रममा जब राज्यको उत्पत्ति भयो, त्यसवेला राज्यको प्रथम दायित्व सके क्षेत्र विस्तार गर्ने र नसके भएको क्षेत्र रक्षा गर्ने थियो । क्षेत्र विस्तारकै लागि आरम्भिक वर्षमा राज्यराज्यबीच घमासान युद्ध हुन्थे । पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले पनि त्यसै गरेका थिए । त्यही प्रयोजनका लागि सेना राखिन्थ्यो । प्रत्येक राज्यले आवश्यक बजेट उपलब्ध गराएर सेनाको भरणपोषण गथ्र्यो र त्यसलाई चुस्तदुरुस्त राख्थ्यो । सेनाको रचना राज्यभित्रको प्रयोजनका लागि नभएर केवल बाहिरी आक्रमणबाट आफ्नो राज्यको संरक्षण गर्ने उद्देश्यले गरिएको थियो ।

राज्यको सीमाको महत्त्व आजको सन्दर्भमा पनि उत्तिकै ठूलो छ । हाम्रै छिमेकी मुलुक भारत र चीन तथा भारत र पाकिस्तानबीच विगतमा सीमाको विवादलाई लिएर ठूला युद्ध भए । ती सबै युद्ध अभ्यासका लागि लडिएका थिएनन्, आफ्नो दाबी रहेको भूभाग फिर्ता लिन र सीमासुरक्षाकै लागि लडिएका थिए । सीमाका विवाद अहिले पनि कायमै रहेकाले भारत र चीन तथा भारत र पाकिस्तानबीचको सम्बन्ध अहिले पनि सौहार्द्धपूर्ण छैन । सीमा विवादकै कारण ठूल्ठूला युद्ध भएका र चिसो सम्बन्ध कायम रहेका अन्य कैयौँ मुलुक यो विश्वमा छन् । ती मुलुक अहिले पनि आफ्नो देशको एक चिम्टी माटो पनि नछाड्ने कसम खाएर बसेका छन् । सबै मुलुकका निमित्त आफ्नो सीमासम्बन्धी चासो त्यति पेचिलो र संवेदनशील हुन्छ, जसका लागि त्यो देशका लाखौँ नागरिकले प्राण न्यौछावर गर्न तयार हुन्छन् । विश्वमा सम्भवतः नेपालमात्रै यस्तो मुलुक देखिएको छ, जहाँका मान्छे आफ्नो देशको माटो अरूलाई सुम्पेर आफ्नो निजी स्वार्थपूर्ति गर्न हिचकिचाउँदैनन् । नेपाली सेना साँच्चै देशभक्त हो भने सीमा मिचिँदा सरकारले केही आदेश दिँदैन भनेर चुप लागेर बस्न मिल्छ ? उसले नै सरकारलाई यस विषयमा झक्झक्याउनु हुँदैन ?

नेपालमा राष्ट्रियताका बारेमा ठूल्ठूला र चर्का कुरा हुने गर्छन् । तर, अहिले प्रष्ट भएको छ कि राष्ट्रियताका ती कुरा साँच्चिकै देशको मायाले गरिएको होइन रहेछ । त्यस्ता कुरा या त आफ्ना काला कर्तुतहरू ढाकछोप गर्न गरिएको रहेछ, या त आफ्ना कुत्सीत उद्देश्य हासिल गर्ने उद्देश्यले गरिएको रहेछ । व्यवहारमा देखिएका गतिविधिबाट यो कुरा छर्लङ्ग भएको छ ।

राज्यको सीमाको अनुगमन गर्ने कार्यक्षेत्र भएको छुट्टै मन्त्रालय छ । त्यसअन्तर्गत विभाग र कार्यालयहरू छन् । जिल्लामा प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी र प्रहरी प्रशासन छन् । दुई देशबीचको संयुक्त अनुगमन समिति छ । बुद्धिनारायण श्रेष्ठले नापी विभागको महानिर्देशकको हैसियतमा रहेर सीमा सम्बन्धमा त्यति धेरै काम गर्न सकेका थिए । यी सबै कुरा हुँदाहुँदै पनि सीमाको यति बिघ्न बेवास्ता किन भइरहेछ? माटोको सुरक्षा गर्ने जिम्मेवारी लिएर बसेका निकाय र पदाधिकारी सीमाको त्यो हाल हुँदा कसरी चुप लागेर बस्न सकेका छन् ? छिमेकी अगतिलो र दुष्ट छ भन्ने कुरा थाहा पाउँदापाउँदै आफू हरबखत चनाखो रहनु पर्छ कि पर्दैन ?

वास्तवमा विगत धेरै वर्षदेखि नेपालको सीमा मिच्ने जुन अभियान चलाइएको छ, यसलाई नेपालको भूमि हडप्ने मौनयुद्धको संज्ञा दिन सकिन्छ, र यस युद्धमा नेपाल कुनै प्रतिवाद नगरी चुपचाप पछि हट्दै छ । मानौँ, नेपालले विगतमा भारतको जमिन बलजफ्ती हडपेको थियो, र अहिले भारतले त्यो जमिन धमाधम फिर्ता लिइरहेकोले नेपालले कुनै प्रतिवाद गरिरहेको छैन । यदि यही क्रम जारी रहने हो भने कालान्तरमा नेपाल भन्ने मुलुक कति बाँकी रहला ? नेपालमा आफ्नो भूमि र त्यसको सीमाको सम्बन्धमा जुन संवेदनाशून्य स्थिति छ, त्यसले पनि भारतको सीमा मिच्ने दुष्प्रवृत्ति प्रोत्साहित भएको छ । सीमामा अलिकति मात्र छिसिक्क हुनासाथ सम्पूर्ण राष्ट्र एक स्वरमा खनिने गरेको भए भारतले यस्तो दुस्साहस गर्न सक्ने थिएन । के उसले पाकिस्तान वा बंगलादेशको सीमामा यसो गर्ने आँट गर्न सकेको छ ? नेपालमा जेसुकै गरे पनि सम्पूर्ण मुलुकले देखेको नदेख्यै, सुनेको नसुन्यै गर्दै आएकाले उसको दुस्साहस यसरी बढ्दै गएको हो ।

नेपाल आफ्नो सीमाको सम्बन्धमा यति संवेदनाशून्य कसरी हुन सकेको छ ? यो सबैभन्दा गम्भीर र महत्त्वपूर्ण विषय हो । यस सम्बन्धमा गहिरो अध्ययन हुनु जरुरी छ । हिजो पञ्चायत काल जनतामा आधारित व्यवस्था नभएकोले त्यसले उठाएको राष्ट्रियताको कुरालाई फोस्रो वा मण्डले राष्ट्रवाद भनियो । अहिले जनताको व्यवस्था आएको पनि दुई दशक भयो । खै त सरकार र जनताको राष्ट्रिय भावनामा सुधार ? हामीले केही वर्षदेखि दार्चुलाको कालापानी हाम्रो हो भनिरहेका छौँ । खै त त्यो कालापानी फिर्ता लिन हामीले पहल गरेको ? अहिले प्याराताल हाम्रो हो भन्यौँ । के गर्दै छौँ त त्यो प्यारातालमाथि हाम्रो स्वामित्व स्थापित गर्न ? कि नेपालको राष्ट्रियताको प्रश्नमा पनि अन्य क्षेत्रमा जस्तै भारतीय साम, दान, दन्ड, भेदको नीतिले काम गरिरहेको छ ?

वास्तवमा भारतले नेपालको भूमि आफूतिर तान्ने र आफ्ना मान्छे नेपालतिर पठाएर कालान्तरमा नेपालमा संकट खडा गर्ने रणनीति अपनाएको प्रतीत हुन्छ । माओवादीहरूको राष्ट्रिय स्वाधीनताको नारा पनि भारतलाई घुक्र्याएर सत्तामा जाने माध्यम मात्र भएको अनुभव हुँदै छ । यसै हो भने नागरिक स्वयंले नै केही गर्नुपर्ने हो कि ?


Kapilvastu Day Movement Tourism Year Banner

The most important responsibility for Kapilvastu Day Movement is to promote Lumbini as pilgrimage and archaeological tourism destination for World Buddhists and followers of new age faith. Kapilvastu Day Movement activities in promoting Lumbini and its surroundings including Tilaurakot and Devdaha would help government of Nepal in implementing its strategies in exploring of new tourism market segments and marketing Nepali destinations on regional markets.

Government of Nepal has set target of increasing number tourists visiting from non-SAARC nations from current level to one million per year. Existing situation must change to if Nepal wants some of the wealthiest people spend their vacation in Nepal. Lumbini can be one of the key attractions that help meeting goals and hence Kapilvastu Day Movement needs to play double role in Nepal Tourism Year 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Amnesty International Statement On Wikileaks

Written by: Eurasia Review

International controversy over the Wikileaks release of US diplomatic cables continues to rage. The site’s founder Julian Assange has been granted bail in the UK following an extradition request from Sweden, while several of his alleged supporters have reportedly been arrested over alleged cyber-attacks on websites that have cut off funds to Wikileaks.

Leaked US Diplomatic Cables published recently have focused on alleged corruption in Ghana and central Asia, the killing of a lawyer in Northern Ireland in 1989 and US involvement in Yemen.

Amnesty International examines some of the human rights issues at stake.

Would prosecution of Julian Assange for releasing US government documents be a violation of the right to freedom of expression?

The US government has indicated since July 2010 that it is conducting a legal investigation into the actions of Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange for distributing secret documents. A range of US political figures have called for a criminal prosecution of Assange.

According to Amnesty International, criminal proceedings aimed at punishing a private person for communicating evidence about human rights violations can never be justified. The same is true with respect to information on a wide range of other matters of public interest.

At the very least, a significant number of the documents released by Wikileaks appear to fall into these categories, so any prosecution based in whole or in part on those particular documents, would be incompatible with freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression is an internationally-recognised human right that limits the power of the state to prohibit the receipt and publication of information. The burden is on the state to demonstrate that any restriction is both necessary and proportionate, and does not jeopardize the right to freedom of expression itself.

We are unaware of any legal action having yet been taken against Julian Assange for releasing the documents. As such, Amnesty International is not in a position to comment on any possible case against him specifically, as there are no charges to comment on.

Would interfering with payments to Wikileaks via online donation constitute an infringement on freedom of expression?

Over the last week, Paypal, Visa and Mastercard have removed their users’ ability to donate to Wikileaks online, asserting as grounds that Wikileaks engages or may engage in illegal activities. There has been speculation that this restriction was due to US government pressure.

Amnesty International does not have information to confirm or refute that speculation, but emphasizes that governments cannot avoid their obligations to respect the right to freedom of expression by attempting to do indirectly what they would be forbidden from doing directly. Businesses, too, should ensure that their own actions, at minimum, respect human rights.

Would prosecution of employees of the US government who may have provided documents to Wikileaks be a violation of freedom of expresson?

US soldier Private Bradley Manning is currently in detention facing charges that include the leaking of national defence information.

While employees of a government have the right to freedom of expression, they also have duties as an employee, so a government has more scope to impose restrictions on its employees than it would have for private individuals who receive or republish information.

However, Amnesty International would be concerned if a government were to seek to punish a person who, for reasons of conscience, released in a responsible manner information that they reasonably believed to be evidence of human rights violations that the government was attempting to keep secret in order to prevent the public learning the truth about the violations.

Is it legitimate for governments to seek to keep their diplomatic discussions and negotiations confidential when they perceive it to be in their national interest?

Governments can of course in general seek to keep their communications confidential by using technical means or by imposing duties on their employees; it is not, however, legitimate for governments to invoke broad concepts of national security or national interest in justification of concealing evidence of human rights abuses.

Also, once information comes into the hands of private individuals, states cannot rely on sweeping claims of national interest to justify coercive measures aimed at preventing further public disclosure or discussion of the information.

International human rights law allows states to restrict freedom of expression only on specific and narrowly-applied grounds: national security, public order, public health or morals, or protection of the rights and reputations of others. However, even where one of these grounds might apply, states do not have a blank cheque to keep information secret or to punish individuals for publishing it, simply by declaring the information to be “classified” or declaring it necessary to restrict it as a matter of “national security”: the state must show that the particular restrictions are necessary and proportionate to the specific threat they claim justifies the restriction.

Is Amnesty International concerned about the potential for harm to individuals as a result of the leaked information?

Amnesty International has consistently called on Wikileaks to make every possible effort to ensure that individuals are not put at increased risk of violence or other human rights abuses as a result of, for instance, being identifiable as sources in the documents.

However, risks of this kind are not the same as the risk of public embarrassment or calls for accountability that public officials could face if documents expose their involvement in human rights abuses or other forms of misconduct.

Do the diplomatic cables being leaked by Wikileaks contain information relevant to human rights?

Some of the Department of State documents released confirm or provide more detail about human rights violations that Amnesty International has publicly raised in the past. For example:

The February 2007 cable discussing US opposition to the possible issuance by German authorities of international arrest warrants for thirteen CIA agents allegedly involved in the Khaled el-Masri rendition and enforced disappearance relates to a number of Amnesty International reports, most recently Open Secret: Mounting Evidence of Europe’s Complicity in Rendition and Secret Detention (15 November 2010).

The January 2010 cable reporting on a meeting between the President of Yemen and US military corroborated Amnesty International’s earlier findings that a US cruise missile appeared to have been used in a 17 December 2009 attack on the community of al-Ma’jalah, in the Abyan area in the south of Yemen. Amnesty International had called on the US government to disclose its involvement in the incident – despite the fact that the Yemeni government claimed that it alone had carried it out.

Previous Wikileak releases on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars corroborated information that we received from other sources. Amnesty International will continue to appraise and cite information from documents provided by Wikileaks that are relevant to human rights issues, alongside many other sources of information.

Are the attempts to extradite Julian Assange for sexual offences in Sweden, politically motivated?

It has been reported that the charges Julian Assange faces in Sweden are not related to the Wikileaks release. There has been speculation that authorities in Sweden or elsewhere are not handling the case in an ordinary manner, and that the way in which it is being pursued is the result of a more general targeting of Julian Assange for the actions of Wikileaks. As yet, Amnesty International does not have information that would allow us either to confirm or to dispel such speculation.

As in any other criminal case, due process should be followed, and Amnesty International will be monitoring the progress of the case closely.

What is Amnesty International’s position on the most recent release of materials by Wikileaks?

Amnesty International welcomes efforts to put information about human rights abuses in the public domain. Wikileaks have publicly announced that they will release thousands of documents gradually over the coming weeks or months, and Amnesty International will carefully study any documents that appear to concern human rights abuses.

While not all of the documents being released by Wikileaks at the moment are relevant to human rights abuses, we would stress that the right to freedom of expression includes the right to receive and impart all kinds of information, subject only to narrowly-defined exceptions.


WikiLeaks Founder Signs $1.5 Mln Autobiography Deal

Written by: Ria Novosti

The founder of the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has signed $1.5 million contracts with publishersto pen his autobiography, the Sunday Times said.

Assange, whose WikiLeaks website has provoked U.S. rage by releasing diplomatic documents, said the money will help him to defend himself against the sexual assault claims made by two women in Sweden, which he denies.

“I don’t want to write this book, but I have to,” he told the newspaper in the interview. “I have already spent 200,000 pounds [$310,000] for legal costs and I need to defend myself and to keep WikiLeaks afloat.”

The Australian said he will receive $800,000 from a U.S. publisher

Alfred Knopf and $500,000 from a British deal with Canongate. The total sum from the deals, including those with other markets, will reach over 1 million pounds ($1.5 million).

The WikiLeaks founder was released on bail last week and vowed that he would continue his work.

Under the bail conditions, Assange must wear an electronic tag, report to police every day and observe a curfew. He is also obliged to stay at the Norfolk mansion of WikiLeaks supporter Vaughan Smith.

World leaders and diplomats have downplayed the impact of the leak of more than 250,000 confidential U.S. diplomatic cables by the WikiLeaks site, but many have questioned the benefit of the project, alleging that some of the leaks could “threaten lives.”

About the author:Ria Novosti

RIA Novosti is Russia's leading news agency in terms of multimedia technologies, website audience reach and quoting by the Russian media.


Monday, December 20, 2010

राष्ट्रिय झण्डाप्रतिको यस किसिमको अनादर किन?

राष्ट्रिय झन्डा सम्पूर्ण नेपालीको सार्वभौम पहिचान र गरिमाको प्रतीक हो । हरेक महत्वपूर्ण राष्ट्रिय एबं अन्तरराष्ट्रिय उत्सबमा यस्लाई मह्त्व दिने गरिन्छ । बिदेशमा बस्नेहरुले आफ्नो कोठामा एउटा सानो राष्ट्रिय झन्डा नै भने पनि राखेर देशलाई सम्झने र त्यस्मा गौरब गर्ने गर्छन । प्रतिष्ठित ब्यक्तिहरुको मरणपस्चात उनीहरुलाई राष्ट्रिय झन्डा ओडाउने प्रचलन छ । राष्ट्रिय झण्डाको महत्वबारेमा धेरै लेखिराख्नु आबस्यक यस कारणले देखिन्न कि यस्लाई माया र कदर गर्नु भनेकै देशको माया र कदरको पर्याबाची हो भन्ने कुरा सबैलाई थाहा छ । तर हेर्नुस्त यो फोटोमा राष्ट्रिय झण्डप्रति गरिएको अनादर । के राष्ट्रिय झण्डाप्रतिको यस किसिमको अनादर किन?

Canadian govt sponsors immigration for Tibetans in Arunachal Pradesh

Dharamsala, December 19 (HT): Tibetans living in remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh bordering neighboring China could soon fly their way into Canada. Government of Canada has agreed to facilitate immigration of Tibetans living in Arunachal Pradesh. Canadian government’s initiative came following the request from Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama to settle Tibetans inhabiting remote areas, many of them inaccessible by roads.

“His Holiness- the Dalai Lama had been moved by the plight of Tibetan exiles inhabiting the remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh which are underdeveloped as compared to other settlements in India,” senior bureaucrat in Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) at its headquarters here told Hindustan Times while he confirmed Canadian government latest immigration program proposed for Tibetans.

Under proposed program, Canadian government would facilitate immigration of at least 1000 Tibetans refugees from Aruanchal Pradesh in next five years. Sources say that soon the Canadian government would work out on immigration process with Indian government in consultation with Dalai Lama’s – Tibetan – government-in-exile. There are 39 Tibetan settlements across India, and three of them are located in Arunachal Pradesh which includes Bomdila, Tezu Tenzingang.

All the three are located on route followed by Dalai Lama to enter India after he escaped from Tibet when Chinese troops marched into Lhasa in 1959. Estimated 80, 000 Tibetans followed Dalai Lama to India. Dalai Lama who was conferred with Nobel Prize for peace seeks more autonomy the China administered Tibet.

This is not the first time Canada has assisted Tibetans. In 1972, Canada established the Tibetan Refugee Program and resettled approximately 230 Tibetans in Canada who had been living in Northern India. Tibetan officials say that government of Canada will develop special immigration. “Tibetans selected under would require to meet Canada’s requirements for immigration, including security, criminal, medical and background checks” said an official.

Canadian government offer came three years after Nepalese government rejected United States sponsored immigration program for Tibetans. United States program had hit the road block, as the coalition government led by Maoist refused to grant exit visa to the Tibetans living in Nepal.


Rahul sounds for aam admi, silent on terror

New Delhi, Dec 19: Addressing Congress Party's 83rd plenary, General Secretary Rahul Gandhi insisted leaders andChief Ministers to listen to the aam admi (common man), who forms the basic support for the party.

Rahul Gandhi said that government has to build a system which gives development to the common man. He added that the every citizen in the country should get benefits of development irrespective of caste, creed, religion and state.

Knocking down the speculations that he may clarify his stands on WikiLeaks release, Rahul Gandhi focussed more on organizational problems of Congress party and the need of developments for common man.

Rahul said that Women Reservation Bill will be tabled in Parliament soon and he hoped that this will pave way for the women empowerment in the country.

He also added that the goal of Congress party should be equal rights for everyone and the party should be a bridge between common man and government. Moreover, Gandhi said that the corrupt leaders must be punished.


Rahul Gandhi helped Pak to get US support: Modi

Ahmedabad, Dec 19: In the wake of WikiLeaks release, Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi has become the targetof Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Shiv Sena. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has slammed Rahul Gandhi saying that his remarks over Hindu terrorism have created a wrong impression on India, which made United States to support Pakistan despite of its terror acts.

Narendra Modi, on Saturday, Dec 18, said that WikiLeaks release had exposed the reason why US supports Pakistan despite the fact that the whole world considers it a terror state. He accused that Congress leaders gave inspiration to US to support Pakistan.

"I always used to wonder why America takes a stand favouring Pakistan despite the fact that the whole world considers it a terror state. It is clear now who gives the US the information and the inspiration to support Pakistan."

Gujarat CM also said Rahul's remarks that Hindu radical groups posed a greater threat to India than Muslim militants has benefitted Pakistan.

"There is nothing more harmful to India than this. It has played to Pakistan's benefit."

The latest release by whistle-blower WikiLeaks exposed that Rahul Gandhi told the American ambassador, India has been facing terror threat from radical Hindu groups than the Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Rahul told to US ambassador Timothy Roemer in 2009 about the increasing tension over the "growth of radicalised Hindu groups which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community".

After the controversial release, Rahul Gandhi said that all terrorism including 'saffron' is a threat to India. But, his clarification has not yet satisfied BJP and Shiv Sena, who continued to attack him.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

नेपालले भुटानसँग सिक्नुपर्दछ

By राज श्रेष्ठ, कीर्तिपुर

एउटा राज्यको एउटा सरकारको आफ्ना देशका नागरिकप्रतिको जिम्मेवारी र उत्तरदायित्व कस्तो हुनुपर्छ भनेर भुटानसँग नेपालले सिक्नुपर्दछ । सन्दर्भ भरखरै घटेको तारा एयरको विमान दुर्घटनाको हो । भुटानी नागरिकहरुलाई लिएर खोटाङको हलेसी तीर्थस्थलबाट काठमाडौं फकर्ने क्रममा जब विमान बेपत्ता भयो भुटानी प्रधानमन्त्रीले नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्रीसँग सिधा सम्पर्क गरी कुराकानी गर्नुभयो । त्यसको भोलिपल्ट जब विमान लामिडाडाँमा दुर्घटनाग्रस्त भएको समाचार आयो भुटानी प्रतिनिधि मण्डल काठमाडौं आइसकेका थिए । त्यसपछि तीर्थयात्री भुटानी नागरिकहरु वास्तविकता लुकाएर यात्रा गरिरहेका हुनाले दुर्घटना बिमा पाउन नसक्ने हुन कि भन्ने अड्कल भइरहँदा भुटान सरकार आफैंले आपुना नागरिकको आइडेन्टिफिकेसन गर्न लागेका हुनाले बिमा रकम पाउँछ भन्ने समाचार पनि एक राष्ट्रिय दैनिकमा आयो । भुटानी प्रतिमण्डल आपुना नागरिकका शव छिट्टै लिएर भुटान जान लागेको समाचार पनि आयो । अब भुटान सरकारको ठाउँमा नेपाल सरकारलाई राखेर हेरौं ।

आज खाडी मुलुक र मलेशियामा सयौंको संख्यामा नेपालीहरु नक्कली राहदानीमा काम गरिरहेका छन् यो धु्रवसत्य हो । ती नेपालीहरु कामको सिलसिलामा दुर्घटनामा परी मृत्यु हुँदा यही कारणले विमा रकम नपाउने गरेको यथार्थता छ । यस्तो स्थितिमा के भुटानले जस्तै नेपाल सरकार आफैले आफ्ना देशका नागरिकलाई आइडेन्टिफिकेसन गर्न सकेका छन् । यदि नेपाल सरकार आफैले मेरो देशका नागरिक हुन भनेर अगि सर्ने हो भने कुन चाहीं बिमा कम्पनीको साहस कि बिमा रकम नदिने विदेशमा दिनहुँ नेपालीहरुको मृत्यु हुँदा शव नेपाल ल्याइ पुर्याउन एक महिना हैन दुई महिना हैन छ छ महिना सम्म लाग्ने गरेको दुखद परिस्थिति यहाँ विद्यमान छ । नेपाल सरकार र विदेश स्थित नेपाली राजदूतावासबाट खै आफ्नो देशका जनताप्रतिको जिम्मेवारी र उत्तरदायित्व निर्वाह गर्न सकेको ?

मलाई सम्झना छ इराकमा १२ जना नेपालीहरुको हत्या हुँदाको त्यो परिस्थिति । त्यतिबेला परराष्ट्र मन्त्री डा. प्रकाश शरण महत हुनुहुन्थ्यो । इराकमा हाम्रो आफ्नै दूतावास नहुँदा पाकिस्तान स्थित नेपाली राजदूत मार्फत इराकी अपहरणकारीसँग सम्पर्क गर्न खोजियो । भारत सरकारसँग इराकस्थित भारतीय दूतावासबाट सहयोग मागियो । तर त्यतिबेला परराष्ट्र मन्त्रीले सिधै अमेरिकी विदेश मन्त्रीसँग टेलिफोन सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नु भएन । प्रधानमन्त्री देउवाले अमेरीकी राष्ट्रपति जर्ज बुशसँग सम्पर्क गर्नुभएन न त पाकिस्तानी भारतीय वा इराकी प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई नै सम्पर्क गर्नु भयो । हाम्रा प्रयासहरु यति असफल भए कि त्यति बेलासम्म धेरै अबेर भइसकेको थियो । हामीले जिउँदा ती १२ जना नेपालीहरु त बचाउन सकेनौ सकेनौ मृत्यु भएका नेपालीहरुका शव सम्म छिटो नेपाल ल्याउन सकेनौ ।

अझ एउटा अर्को प्रसंगको कुरा गर्दा करीव दस वर्ष अगिको घटना हो । एक जना प्रेुन्च पदयात्री पर्यटक जिरी पदयात्रामा बिरामी परी जिरी अस्पतालमा आएका थिए । उनले जिरी अस्पतालबाट काठमाडौं स्थित फ्रान्सिली दूतावासमा सम्पर्क गरे र त्यस्को एक घण्टापश्चात् एउटा हेलिकोप्टर उनलाई लिन आइपुगे र उनलाई लिएर काठमाडौंतर्फ उडे । देश होस् त यस्तो नागरिक हुनु त यस्तो देशको । पारस शाह-रुबेल चौधरी प्रकरणमा विदेशबाट परराष्ट्र मन्त्रीको टेलिफोन सकि्रयता प्रहरी र प्रशासनको तदारुकताले हामीले चाह्यौ भने के गर्न सक्तैनौ भन्ने पुष्टि गर्दछ । नेपाली नागरिक हुनुमा कोही पनि नेपालीले आत्मग्लानी अनुभव गर्न नपरोस् देशका नागरिकप्रतिको जिम्मेवारी र उत्तरदायित्व बोकेर बसी रहेका सरकारका मन्त्रीहरुमा मेरो यही अनुरोध छ ।

Saturday, December 18, 2010

India, China set ambitious trade target

New Delhi: India and China tried to boost bilateral relations with an upbeat assessment of its importance in today’s world, saying that when the two Asian giants speak in one voice, “the world listens”. At a concrete level they agreed Thursday to address contentious issues that have bedevilled bilateral relations and set their eyes on the future by setting an ambitious trade target of $100 billion by 2015.

Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh and his visiting Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao met over one and a half hours at Hyderabad House to forge “strategic consensus” on a range of issues which included global terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation, climate change, the widening trade deficit between both nations and irritants such as the problem of stapled visas for residents of Jammu and Kashmir.

The joint communiqué issued after the talks said both leaders agreed there was “enough space in the world for the development of both India and China and enough areas for both to cooperate”.

The launch of a hotline between the prime ministers, which became operational four days ago, was welcomed by both leaders.

“Our relationship has transcended the bilateral dimension and has assumed global and strategic significance,” Manmohan Singh said in his welcome remarks at a dinner hosted in honour of the Chinese guest.

“The growing inter-dependence of nations provides both the opportunity and the obligation for India and China to cooperate together to meet the challenges facing the international community,” he said. “The fact is that when India and China, representing more than two and half billion people speak in one voice, the world listens.”



ISLAMABAD: China and Pakistan concluded nearly 15 billion dollars’ worth of deals on Saturday, as Chinese Premier

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, center right, and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, center left, talk with children during the inauguration ceremony of the Pakistan China Friendship Center, in Islamabad, Pakistan, Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010.

Wen Jiabao said Beijing would “never give up” on the troubled nuclear-armed Muslim country.

Business leaders formalised paperwork — adding to the 20 billion dollars’ worth of deals signed Friday — under blanket security at Islamabad’s five-star Marriott Hotel, where a huge suicide truck bomb killed 60 people in 2008.
Boosting trade and investment with poverty-stricken Pakistan have been the main focus of the first visit in five years by a Chinese premier to the country that is on the front line of the US-led war on Al-Qaeda.
Pakistan regards China as its closest ally and considers the deals incredibly important to a moribund economy which was dealt a massive blow by catastrophic flooding this year and suffers from sluggish Western investment.
“We signed 18 agreements today worth close to 15 billion dollars and we hope to grow further together in coming years,” said Sultan Ahmad Chawla, president of Pakistan’s chamber of commerce and industry.
According to a list handed out to journalists, the biggest deal was 6.5 billion dollars to develop wind and solar power.
Pakistan suffers from a debilitating energy crisis and produces only 80 percent of the electricity it needs.
Though not specifically mentioned, behind-the-scenes talks were expected on China building a one-gigawatt nuclear power plant as part of Pakistani plans to produce 8,000 megawatts of electricity by 2025 to make up its energy shortfall.
The Islamabad city administration declared Saturday a public holiday, apparently for security reasons with the country on full-time alert for suicide attacks and bombings blamed on the Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked extremists.
“We have established an all-weather friendship and engaged in all-round cooperation. The China-Pakistan relationship has withstood the test of time and changes in the international landscape,” Wen told a lunch in his honour.
“Under no circumstances we will give up on our commitment to pursuing this partnership.”
Wen pledged China’s full support in the wake of the floods, which affected 21 million people, saying Beijing would help the country “lay a new solid foundation for you to achieve self-owned, stable and sustainable development.”
He inaugurated a cultural centre built as a monument to Pakistani-Chinese friendship and held talks with opposition leader Nawaz Sharif and senior figures in the military, which depends on China for hardware.
The 35-million-dollar Pakistan-China Friendship Centre offers the Pakistani capital a conference venue, theatre, cinema and space for multiple events.
Young Pakistani girls decked out in traditional dress and waving the flags of both countries danced, before Wen kissed one of them on the cheek.
President Asif Ali Zardari will host a state banquet late Saturday before Wen addresses a special joint session of parliament early Sunday and leaves.
Pakistan depends on China’s clout to offset the perceived threat from rival India and rescue its economy, overcome its severe energy crisis and make up for poor foreign investment.
But local analysts recognise that China’s support comes at a price — a price that could increase as Beijing edges closer to superpower status.
“China expects Pakistan to be a reliable partner in the region. Here they have a country on whom they can rely. This provides a good outlet for Chinese investment abroad,” said political analyst Hasan Askari.
But he added: “China will expect Pakistan to be more forthright in counter-terrorism. It has worries about militancy in western China”, where it wants to develop Kashgar city into a major industrial and economic centre.
“Pakistan can help China because of its geographical position, but it has to first control terrorism,” said Askari.
Before arriving in Islamabad, Wen visited India, where he and his 400-strong delegation signed deals that will see trade double to 100 billion dollars a year by 2015.


I am not a revisionist: Dr Bhattarai

Maoist Vice-Chairman Dr Baburam Bhattarai is an ideologue and one of the brains behind the 10-year-long Maoistinsurgency in Nepal. The Maoist party is currently undergoing sharp ideological differences among Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Senior Vice-Chairman Mohan Baidya and Bhattarai.

The party is having a tough time forging a common “action-plan” for implementation in the peace process as the top three leaders are at loggerheads over the party’s future course of action. Republica journalist Post B Basnet caught with him on Saturday and talked about the role of his party in the peace process.

What is your party currently engaged in?

Right now our party is engaged in institutionalizing the progressive changes in society while passing through a historical transitional phase of evolution of autocracy, feudalism and institutionalization of modern industrial state based on multi-party democratic polity. This transition has its complications. But, as a responsible political party, we are still trying to find a way out amidst the presence of bourgeois democratic forces who believe in parliamentary democracy and us, communist revolutionaries, who believe in people’s democracy. We are trying to find a common meeting ground where we can institutionalize a democratic system in which the oppressed masses will have their participation in the state in a new socio-economic and federal structure.

There are sharp ideological differences between you, Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Mohan Baidya. Are you facing an ideological dilemma?

In every political party, there are political debates. If there is no debate, you can’t have a vibrant political party, and especially in a communist party debate on ideological political questions are always there. We believe in dialectical materialism and unity of opposites. Unity, struggle, and transformation give impetus to the development process. So, accordingly, our party is also a vibrant entity and there is a constant struggle between various opinions. But, ultimately, we are united on one issue: That we need overall restructuring of the Nepali state and society. To achieve that objective, we launched people’s war and we have already seen the results in the form of republicanism, federalism and secularism. These are positive gains. These gains need to be preserved. We still have to struggle to institutionalize a democratic system whereby the oppressed classes of people, nationalities, regions, gender, oppressed caste will also have their say. We are trying to figure out the correct path within the party to achieve them.

There is also the question of doing away with the remnants of feudalism and autocracy in different spheres of state and society. Since the days of Sugauli Treaty, our economy, state and society have been subjugated. So we want to do away with such domination and reassert total sovereignty and national independence. We need to settle the dispute on whether we want to give priority to democracy or nationalism.

Let’s talk about the party. The Palungtar plenum failed to take any political line. What do you have to say?

No, this is not a question of failing. We had a real good democratic exercise; 7,000 people gathered for seven days and engaged in constructive political debates and that itself was a big achievement. It has created a basis for achieving a higher unity within the party and clarifying the political lines. In that sense, the Palungtar plenum was very useful and historical and we have taken a unified view that the current path of peace, constitution-making and democracy should be pursued and to make it a success we need to mobilize the masses from the streets as well. Reactionary and status quo-ist forces don’t want progressive changes in the society. So, to exert pressure on them, we need to mobilize the masses. On this issue, the party is unified.

What’s the difference between people’s revolt floated by you, Dahal and Baidya?

We have every right to revolt against injustice; Mahatma Gandhi called it civil disobedience, some call it a revolt, while others call it a revolution. They are the same thing. We want change in society. So, if this process of change is blocked, people have the right to revolt against that, this is the general political philosophy. In that sense, we want to pursue the path of peace and democracy. But if that path is blocked, people have the right to resist and revolt. This is a general formulation and so we have no fundamental dispute on this.

This is your view. But there are fundamental differences between you and Baidya on this issue?

No, I don’t think there are fundamental differences. The only question is whether the objectives, political goals we accept and our party accepts could be achieved through peaceful and democratic means, and whether the reactionary forces will allow it. On the question of evaluation, there are some differences. Even then we all agreed on principles that we should pursue.

What’s the difference?

The difference is whether we should pursue this process (the current peaceful path) till the end. And if it is blocked, people should realize that we will have to take another path. Only when the general masses realize, a “people’s movement” becomes successful. If the people don’t realize, the current path is no longer viable and possible. They won’t come out onto the streets in protest.

But Baidya is calling for an end to the ongoing process?

Nobody is saying that indeed. The difference lies only in assessments. What I am stressing is that on our part we should make sincere efforts till the end. We should patiently pursue and try our best till the end to make a new constitution and complete the peace process. But, side by side, we need to empower the masses. We have to mobilize the masses again, in case this path fails. Then the people will rise in a “people’s movement” and give impetus to this development process. I have been stressing this aspect. Some of the comrades are saying this path has already morally exhausted by now. The way the peace process has developed in the last two years has given an impression that there is no chance of this path moving ahead in a positive direction. So, maybe, now this is high time we really prepared for the other path. There are differences only on what we have stressed. Otherwise, on the fundamental path to be followed for change in society, there is no difference at all.

Do you think Chunwang line is still prevalent in the party?

Of course! There is no contradiction between “people’s war” we pursued for 10 years and the political line followed after Chunwang and they are complimentary to each other because our basic goal was the transformation of society. For 10 years, we waged people’s war mostly in the countryside to empower the masses and to break down the feudal stronghold existing for thousands of years. So, we more or less achieved that goal. And after Chunwang and to complete this process we had to mobilize the masses in urban areas and we had to gain support of the international community. That’s why we pursued this path and now we want to complete this process whereby Nepali society is totally democratized and oppressed class, gender, nationalities are fully empowered; we will create a fully new democratic state whereby all these people enjoy real democracy, not only formal democracy in which people can participate in the political process. We want to achieve this goal through the Constituent Assembly (CA) and a new constitution. Hence, there is no fundamental contradiction between people’s war we waged earlier and the peaceful path we are pursuing right now.

But the Kharipati national conclave meeting, which decided to launch a people’s revolt for a “People’s Federal Democratic Republic,” superseded the Chunwang line of a federal democratic republic?

No. You can see the Chunwang document in which we have clearly stated that after establishing a democratic republic, there will be two tendencies. The status quo-ists (the bourgeois forces) will try to stop the forward march of society; they will just be happy with the Westminster model of democracy. But in the context of Nepal, the old style of democracy won’t be enough because our society is very complicated; ours is a multi-class and multi-ethnic society. There are gender and class discriminations and to do away with them and to achieve real democracy, we should have a new model of democracy to suit all these forces. So, we had already predicted in the Chunwang meeting that there would be political struggles between these two tendencies. That’s what happening right now.

What’s the difference between federal democratic republic and people’s federal democratic republic?

“People’s” mean oppressed class of people: Peasants, workers, Dalits, women, nationalities. They are called “people”.

Why should you add “people” to the Chunwang line?

We want such a democratic system where these people will have a say in the state system. In general democracy, as practiced in some of the more developed countries, only the few rich people are elected; they are in the state and the majority of the poor working class don’t have their say in the state system. That’s the formal democratic system.

But you had not put the word people in the Chunwang document?

No. Listen, our goal is to have democracy, though we can choose the word. But the real thrust is we want a model of democracy in which the oppressed mass of people will have their say; this is the essence. You can give it any name. We are not talking about the old system of democracy practiced in Eastern Europe or China. These are just one-party system. We have already passed the resolution of “Democracy in 21st Century” where we have already accepted multiparty committed politics even in future socialism. So, our “people’s democracy” is not one-party communist party system, it is a competitive multi-party system in which all voices will be represented. In that sense, we have gone ahead of the whole model of one-party system as practiced in Eastern Europe or other socialist countries.

There are people in your own party who always say you are a revisionist?

No, nobody says that. It is just a rumor; nobody and no formal document or any resolution has branded me as such.

Why are you opposed to declaring India the principal enemy?

We are not in a position to fight India directly.

What is happening right now in the party?

We are having our central committee (CC) meeting, which will chalk out political programs to end this political deadlock. We will try to find a way out and make this peace process and constitution-making process a success. We have decided that we should mobilize the masses side by side. If the masses are not empowered and mobilized, the reactionary forces inside and outside will try to scuttle this political gains we have achieved so far and there is a danger of dissolution of CA and opting for military or some other form of dictatorship in the country.

There are sharp differences between you, Dahal and Baidya. You postponed your CC meeting twice and cancelled your personal visit to Sweden?

That’s just a rumor. Our party is a democratic party and before taking any decision we have democratic debates within the party and for that we are taking some more time. There are no other differences within the party.

There is also a taskforce that has been formed to settle all these disputes. What’s that?

No, it’s not for settling such disputes. It is just to work out our plan, and do some homework. We always do such things. Some comrades have been assigned these tasks so that they can prepare the proposal to put forward in the meeting.

What happens to the peace process after UNMIN leaves?

We wanted to complete the peace process, especially the question of integration of armies before UNMIN’s departure. But unfortunately there has not been any substantial progress on that front. So, as we go by the spirit of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the peace process including the integration of armies, formation of various commissions including the Commission on Disappearances, Truth and Reconciliation, Land Reforms Commission, etc should have been completed, but that did not happen. Basically, peace process, constitution-making process and power-sharing arrangements are interlinked. But, unfortunately, the Maoist party which is a 50 percent stakeholder in the peace process has been totally sidelined. So, that way, we have had no say in this process and that has been delaying the matter. Our party is saying that the integration and other parts of the CPA, including peace process, constitution-making process and power-sharing arrangement should be added to a package and dealt with. This current political deadlock can only be ended after that. Unfortunately, other parties are not acting responsibly; they are only bent on isolating the Maoists.

How do you see post-UNMIN Nepal?

If UNMIN leaves before the peace process completes, we’ll have to make some other arrangement. We have not discussed that so far.

What’s wrong with Nepal’s peace process?

The problems started after we emerged as the largest political party in the CA election. The principle of consensus was abandoned in favor of majority-based system. That was a major mistake. In every peace process, the ex-rebels are made a part of the power-sharing arrangement but when we emerged as the largest party after the election, we were thrown out. Unless this is corrected, the peace process cannot be completed.

As an observer, not as a politician, do you think consensus can be achieved and the integration process completed before May 28?

We have to complete the task of constitution-writing and take the peace process to an end before May 28. Otherwise, there is a great danger of the country again plunging into a serious conflict. If the country again reverts to armed conflict, international actors could get involved and that may make complicate the situation. So, we should do everything to avoid that and try to complete the task of constitution-writing and logically conclude the peace process by May 28.

Is there any possibility of yet another term extension of CA?

I don’t think so.

What will be the role of the president in post May-28 Nepal?

He doesn’t have any role. If he takes one, that will be unconstitutional. If the constitutional process breaks down, it will lead to a situation “might is right” situation.

@My Republica

नेपाली कांग्रेस जोखिममा

अब नेपाली कांग्रेसलाई बचाउने हो र पुनः जन आधार लिएर अस्तित्व कायम राख्न चाहने हो भने ‘कोइरल एण्ड सिटौला ‘कम्पनि प्रवृतिलाई उन्मुलन गर्नु पर्छ र यसको लागि युवा शक्ति बिद्रोह गरेरै भए पनि अगाडी आएर नेपाली कांग्रेसको अस्तित्व र छबीलाई बचाउने काम गर्नु अनिबार्य छ । अन्यथा ‘कोइराल एण्ड सिटौला कम्पनि’संगै नेपाली कांग्रेस पार्टी इतिहासमा सिमित रहने छ ।

By शेखर ढुंगेल, ओमाहा नेब्रास्का

नेपालको एक मात्र जेठो प्रजातान्त्रिक पार्टी भनेर चिनिने नेपाली कांग्रेसको राजनैतिक भबिस्य संकटमय बन्दै गएको छ । २०४६ सालसम्म अन्तरास्ट्रिय रुपमै ख्याती कमाएको नेपाली कांग्रेस पार्टी २०५१ सालको अदुरदर्शी मध्यावधि निर्बाचन, पार्टी भित्रको अस्वस्थ विवाद र कोइराला परिवारको निरंकुस प्रवृति, नेपाली कांग्रेस सस्थापन कालदेखिका शिर्षस्थ नेता लगायत बहुसंख्यक कार्यकर्ताको बि पिको मेल मिलापको नीति एबं भावना बिपरित जानु हुन्न भन्ने अनुरोधलाई लत्याउदै प्रचण्ड पथलाई स्विकार्न पुगेपछि त झन संकटमा फसेको छ ।

गणतन्त्र स्थापनापछि पनि सत्ताको हाली मुहाली कांग्रेसको नाममा कोइराला एण्ड सिटौला कम्पनिकै बर्चस्वमा रह्यो । जन युद्ध कालमा मारिएका, अपांग भएका घर जग्गा लुटिएका, लाखौ कार्यकर्ता र शुभ चिन्तकहरुलाई बेवास्ता गर्दै सत्ता केन्द्रित राजनीतिमा मात्र सिमित भए । आज कर्मठ कार्यकर्ता गाउँ र देशबाट पलायन हुनु परेको छ । उनीहरुको कब्जा सम्पति फिर्ता गर्ने उनीहरुको सुरक्षा गर्ने बिषयमा कांग्रेसको ध्यान केन्द्रित हुन् सकेन । उनीहरुको जफत भएको सम्पति फिर्ता गराउन प्रशासन र प्रहरीलाई दबाब दिन सकेन । सत्तामा पुगेका नेतृत्व कर्ता व्यक्तिगत उपलब्धि मुलक कार्यमा मात्र सोच ग्रस्त भएका छन् । जसले गर्दा कार्यकर्ता र शुभ चिन्तकहरुमा नेतृत्वप्रति अबिस्वास र बिचलन बढेको छ । पछिल्लो घटनाक्रममा बंगलादेशी नागरिक रुबेल चौधरी जसले नेपालमा अबैध क्रिया कलाप गरि अर्बौ नोक्सान गराई रहेको छ । ऊसित सम्बन्धित एउटा सामान्य मानबीय कमजोरीको उपज घटनाप्रकरणलाई पारिवारिक आसक्तिमा ग्रस्त भएर ध्रितराष्ट्र झैँ नब निर्बाचित कांग्रेस सभापति श्री शुसिल कोइरालाजीले आवेगमा आएर सिंगो पार्टीलाई समेत मुछी बदनाम र लज्जित बनाइ दिनु भएको छ । नेपाली कांग्रेसले यस्तो रुप आफ्ना हज्जारौ कार्य कर्ता मर्दा, अपांग हुँदा, लुटिदा कहिल्यै देखाएको थिएन ।

यो प्रकरणले शुसिल कोइरालाजीको परिवारबादप्रतिको अन्धो आसक्ति छर्लंग भएको छ । र वहाँ अफ्नो दल र रास्ट्रप्रतिको जिम्मेवारी समेत सोच्न असक्षम देखिनु भएको छ । वहाँमा सुझ बुझ र धैर्यताको अभाब देखियो । हात्ती आयो हात्ती आयो …फुस्सा ..भनेझै रुबेल चौधारीले आफ्नो बयान फेरेर २४ घण्टा नबित्दै शुसिल कोइराला लगायत सिंगो पार्टीलाई मूर्ख बनाइ दिए । के उपलब्धि भयो त सिंगो पार्टीलाई मुछेर बितण्डा मच्चाउने बिज्ञप्ति निकालेर?

आजको अवस्थामा सामान्य रुपमा कुनै पनि घटना वा प्रकरणको सूचना संचार माध्यमबाट नै आउने गर्छन । त्यसैले आज विकिलिक्सको चर्चा र हङ्गामा छ । रुबेल चौधरी प्रकरणपस्चात देशका प्रमुख पत्र पत्रिकामा लेखिएका रुबेल चौधरी सम्बन्धित काण्डहरुका विवरण नेतृ सुजाता कोइरालाको संलग्नता र संरक्षणको प्रसंगलाई सम्बोधन गर्न नसक्नु पार्टी सभापतिको अर्को महा नालायकीपन स्पस्ट देखिएको छ । अधिनायकबादी भनिएको माओबादी पार्टीले समेत पत्र पत्रिकामा आएका बिषयलाई अनुसन्धान गरि सम्बोधन गर्ने गरेका छन् । दोषी पाइएकोलाई पार्टीबाट निस्कासन वा निलम्बन गर्ने गरेका छन् । एउटा प्रजातान्त्रिक इतिहास बोकेको राजनैतिक पार्टीलाई संकटमा पुर्याउने यो प्रकरणमा सत्य तथ्य पत्ता नलागुन्जेल सुजाता कोइराला अनि कृष्ण प्रसाद सिटौला प्रवृतिलाई निलम्बन गर्न नसक्ने हो भने वा पत्र पत्रिकामा आएका प्रकाशित भएका प्रसंग झूठो हो भने ती पत्रिकाहरुमाथि मान हानिको मुद्धा किन हालिदैन ? दुइमा एक कार्य गर्न सभापति चुक्नु भयो भने कोइराला एण्ड सिटौला कम्पनि त गए गए नेपाली कांग्रेस पनि इतिहासको पानामा सीमित हुने छ । अब इतिहासको संख फुकेर खाने दिन गए भन्ने कुरो २४० बर्षे राजतन्त्र आफ्नै हातले बिस्थापित गराउने कांग्रेस नेतृत्वले बुझ्नु जरुरि छ ।

बिगतबाट शिक्षा र वर्तमानको चिरफारबाट मात्र भबिस्यको सुनिस्चित बाटो कोर्न सकिन्छ । नेपाली कांग्रेसको नेतृत्वले यस्ता गहन कुरामा संबेदनसिल हुँदैन भने उसको भबिस्य छैन । जनताहरु आवाज उठाउन थालेका छन् ‘रुबेल चौधरीसंगै उठेको नेतृ सुजाता कोइराला र कृष्ण प्रसाद सिटौलासम्बन्धि अबैध धन्दाका प्रसंगलाई कांग्रेस सभापतिले सम्बोधन गरि पार्टी बचाउने प्रयन्त न गरे यस्तो लोक तन्त्र, गणतन्त्रभन्दा प्रचण्ड तन्त्र वा सक्रिय राजतन्त्र नै ठीक भन्नेहरुको भिड ठूलो बन्दै जानेछ । स्मरण रहोस तत्कालिन शक्तिसाली राजदरबारले समेत जनताको ठूलो आवाज उठन थालेपछी २०४३/४४ सालमा तत्कालिन अधिराज कुमार धिरेन्द्र समेतले देश छोड्नु पर्नेअबस्था आउने गरी भ्रस्ट माफिया लगायत बहालवाला जर्नेल र पुर्ब प्रहरी प्रमुख समेतलाई कार्यबाही गरेको थियो । के अब नेपाली कांग्रेस सुजाता र सिटौलाको सति जाने? जन आधार र जन आवाजलाई बेवास्ता गर्ने दल वा व्यक्तित्वको भबिस्य हुदैन भन्ने कुरो कांग्रेस नेतृत्व ले बुझ्न ढिला भै सकेको छ ।

नेपाली कांग्रेसभित्र पुरानो विवाद कायम नै छ । पूर्ब सभापति स्व. गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइरालसित महन्थ ठाकुरहरुले गुनासो गर्दा पार्टी छोडेर गए हुन्छ मलाई केही फरक पर्दैन भनि हप्काए झैँ बर्तमान शुसिल कोइराला पनि देउवा पक्षलाई पहिले पनि छोडेर गएकै हौ क्यारे अब पनि गए हुन्छ ….भन्ने जस्ता अहंकारी र निरंकुस सैली देखाउदै हुनु हुन्छ । के कोइराला एण्ड सिटौला कम्पनिले मात्र कांग्रेसको अस्तित्व थेग्न सक्ला त ?लाखौ कार्यकर्ता र शुभ चिन्तकको संघर्ष त्याग र बलिदानबाट स्थापित नेपाली कांग्रेस आज नितान्त पारिवारिक घेरा र सत्ता लिप्सामा अल्झिएको छ । यो प्रवृतिबाट मुक्त गर्न बर्तमान सभापति शुसिल कोइरालाजी सक्षम हुने आशा रुबेल प्रकरणले मारी दिएको छ । त्यसमा पनि अत्यधिक मत प्राप्त गर्ने लोकप्रिय नेताको अबमुल्यन गर्दै कसैको दबाबको बहाना बनाएर कांग्रेस पार्टीलाई नै संकटमा, विवादमा परि राखेका बिबादस्पद व्यक्तिहरुलाई च्यापेर पार्टीको अग्र पंक्तिमा राख्न खोज्ने सभापतिको अदुरदर्शिताको शिकार सिंगो नेपाली कांग्रेस बन्ने भएको छ ।

अब नेपाली कांग्रेसलाई बचाउने हो र पुनः जन आधार लिएर अस्तित्व कायम राख्न चाहने हो भने ‘कोइरल एण्ड सिटौला ‘कम्पनि प्रवृतिलाई उन्मुलन गर्नु पर्छ र यसको लागि युवा शक्ति बिद्रोह गरेरै भए पनि अगाडी आएर नेपाली कांग्रेसको अस्तित्व र छबीलाई बचाउने काम गर्नु अनिबार्य छ । अन्यथा ‘कोइराल एण्ड सिटौला कम्पनि’संगै नेपाली कांग्रेस पार्टी इतिहासमा सिमित रहने छ ।

And Now Presenting: Amazing Satellite Images Of The Ghost Cities Of China

By Chandni Rathod and Gus Lubin

The hottest market in the hottest economy in the world is Chinese real estate. The big question is how vulnerable is this market to a crash.

One red flag is the vast number of vacant homes spread through China, by some estimates up to 64 million vacant homes.

We've tracked down satellite photos of these unnerving places, based on a report from Forensic Asia Limited. They call it a clear sign of a bubble: "There’s city after city full of empty streets and vast government buildings, some in the most inhospitable locations. It is the modern equivalent of building pyramids. With 20 new cities being built every year, we hope to be able to expand our list going forward."

Here's China's most famous ghost city: Ordos

Here's China's most famous ghost city: Ordos

There are no cars in the city, except for a few dozen parked at the glamorous government center

There are no cars in the city, except for a few dozen parked at the glamorous government center

Ordos even has an avant-garde art museum -- totally empty

Ordos even has an avant-garde art museum -- totally empty

Ordos Museum Street View

Image: Panoramio

Here's China's biggest ghost city: Zhengzhou New District

Here's China's biggest ghost city: Zhengzhou New District

This $19 billion development is packed with blocks of empty houses

This $19 billion development is packed with blocks of empty houses

Like Ordos, Zhengzhou New District has glamorous public buildings

Like Ordos, Zhengzhou New District has glamorous public buildings

Image: Google Maps

Zhengzhou New District residential towers -- EMPTY

Zhengzhou New District residential towers -- EMPTY

Empty roads in Zhengzhou.

Image: Panoramio

Here's a rendering of Zhengdong New District Wetland Park (people added with Photoshop)

Here's a rendering of Zhengdong New District Wetland Park (people added with Photoshop)

Image: Panoramio

This city was built in the middle of a desert: Erenhot, Xilin Gol, Inner Mongolia

This city was built in the middle of a desert: Erenhot, Xilin Gol, Inner Mongolia

Half of Erenhot is empty. The other half is unfinished

Half of Erenhot is empty. The other half is unfinished

Is that a hotel in Erenhot?

Is that a hotel in Erenhot?

Image: Google Maps

See that orange area to the north-east of the Xinyang?

See that orange area to the north-east of the Xinyang?

It's a giant new development, which doesn't even have a name yet.

It's a giant new development, which doesn't even have a name yet.

No cars in the city except for approximately 100 clustered around the government headquarters

No cars in the city except for approximately 100 clustered around the government headquarters

The ghost city of Dantu has been mostly empty for over a decade

The ghost city of Dantu has been mostly empty for over a decade

In most neighborhoods of Dantu, there are no cars, no signs of life

In most neighborhoods of Dantu, there are no cars, no signs of life

Image: Google Maps

The mostly empty city of Bayannao’er, which boasts a beautiful town hall and World Bank-sponsored water reclamation building

The mostly empty city of Bayannao’er, which boasts a beautiful town hall and World Bank-sponsored water reclamation building

Now here's Kangbashi, a new city with capacity for 300,000 -- that houses 30,000

Now here's Kangbashi, a new city with capacity for 300,000 -- that houses 30,000

Finally, here's a giant new campus for Yunnan University, which was built to accommodate 2.3 million students. It has 11,000 enrolled.

Finally, here's a giant new campus for Yunnan University, which was built to accommodate 2.3 million students. It has 11,000 enrolled.

One of many shocking aspects of the biggest growth spurt ever

One of many shocking aspects of the biggest growth spurt ever
